Cernohorske Peat Bogs

To the Cernohorske Peat Bogs

Take a ride on the first cable car in the Krkonose, which runs to the top of Cerna hora mountain. You will have an enjoyable trip in a lovely and interesting part of our mountains. You will learn how peat bogs are formed, your children can take a few runs on the causeways and eventually spend their remaining energy in the Kabinka children’s park.

Cerna hora – Panorama viewing tower – take the yellow-marked path – Cerna hora, refreshments stall – Cerna bouda chalet – Vaclavak junction, educational trail – turn right for the Cernohorske Peat Bogs educational trail – Hubertova viewing point – Nad Pardubickymi boudami junction – continue straight on the blue path – Cerna bouda chalet – turn left onto the yellow path – Cerna hora, refreshments stall – continue straight down the 1st Krkonose educational cycle trail – Cerna hora, Sokolská chalet junction – Kabinka children’s park – Cerna hora

  • Trip length: 5.7 km
  • Points of interest: Panorama viewing towerCernohorske peat bogsKabinka children’s park
  • Refreshments: Na lanovce bar and restaurant – Cerna bouda chalet – The stall near the former Sokolska chalet
  • Transport: Take a regular bus to Janske Lazne; in summer you can also take the Krkonose Cyclobus Line 1,
  • Parking: Central car park in Janske Lazne
  • Tip: Certainly don’t miss the Kabinka children’s park: bungee trampolines, climbing wall, pedal carts and boats will guarantee good entertainment for children and a bit of relaxation for adults.



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Současné rozhledně na Černé Hoře postavené roku 1998 není první stavbou na tomto vrcholu. Předcházely jí dvě dřevěné rozhledny, které byly postaveny...
Na rozhledně Panorama na Černé hoře

Dětský park Kabinka

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Dětský park Kabinka


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Pojď s námi hrát RAZÍTKOVACÍ HRU
Pohádkové Krkonoše

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Holidays with children in the Krkonose Mountains
Holidays with children in the Krkonose Mountains

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