Through the Kingdom of the Giants

Through the Kingdom of the Giants


Did you know that the town of Hostinne, in the foothills of the Krkonose, is guarded by two giants who even speak from time to time? Their kingdom can be seen thanks to an adventure. It will take you to some interesting parts of the town and will entertain the whole family. If you answer the questions correctly you will get a reward.

Hostinne, Information Centre – Hostinne, main square – the Church of the Holy Trinity – Olivet chapel – The Franciscan Monastery in Hostinne – Tyrsovy sady park – Hostinne, main square – Hostinne, Information Centre

  • Trip length: 3.5 km
  • Points of interest: Town hall with statues of giants – Techtex sports ground – Franciscan Monastery – children’s playgrounds
  • Refreshments: Restaurant at the Techtex sports ground - Davidek confectionery
  • Transport: Take regular buses or the train from Vrchlabi to Hostinne or from Trutnov to Chlumec nad Cidlinou
  • Tip: The traditional feast called Porciunkule is always held on the 1st weekend in August. It is a fête with a rich programme, during which the giants at the townhall speak.



Radniční věž

Pohled na město z ptačí perspektivy nabízí věž renesanční radnice, kterou hlídají dvě postavy vysokých obrů, rolandů, v římské zbroji.
Radnice Hostinné

Františkánský klášter

Františkánský klášter v Hostinném je raně barokní stavbou z let 1677-1684 postavenou Wolfgangem Dientzenhoferem podle plánu pražského stavitele...
Františkánský klášter


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Pojď s námi hrát RAZÍTKOVACÍ HRU
Pohádkové Krkonoše

Vše, co pro dovolenou s dětmi v Krkonoších potřebujete a navíc spousta zábavy. Vstupte do světa Pohádkových Krkonoš.

Holidays with children in the Krkonose Mountains
Holidays with children in the Krkonose Mountains

Fill your family time in the Krkonose Mountains with movement in nature, exploration, fun and fairy-tale adventures. We've chosen the best places for you, planned routes, prepared an adventurous stamp hunt and know where to hide in bad weather.