With Children to Mount Snezka

With Children to Mount Snezka

Pec pod Sněžkou

You can dare to climb the highest Czech mountain even with the youngest children! Feel free to climb to the summit of Mount Snezka with small climbers, whether by cable car or on foot.

To make your trip really worthwhile, we recommend that you go outside the main season. In summer, on holidays and weekends, many of us want to climb it, too. If you want to avoid an uncomfortable queue for the cable car and the crowds at the top, plan your trip for the spring or autumn.

If you want to go in the main season, set out early morning or afternoon. You will not only spare yourself the stress, but will also help our valuable nature. Don’t forget that the summit of Mount Snezka is in a conservation area. Do not walk off the marked paths and behave considerately.

Recommended Trails

Via Obri dul valley from Pec pod Snezkou

As regards views, this is the most beautiful route, but also the one with the steepest gradient. It is marked in blue. We recommend taking the cable car one way.

Snezka – take the red-marked Czech–Polish Friendship Path – Obri plan – turn left onto the blue-marked path – the chapel in Obri dul valley – Obri dul junction – Pec pod Snezkou, junction near the cable car station – path to the station – P3 Kaplicka car park

Take the cable car to Snezka and then go down via Portasovy chalets to Velka Upa

This route is suitable for families with smaller children and prams, as the cable car will help you to get to the summit of Snezka. The Pecka Play Landscape amusement park will offer another experience during the trip.

Velka Upa – take the bus to Pec pod Snezkou – take the cable car to the top of Snezka – take the cable car to Ruzova mountain – continue onto the yellow-marked tourist path – Ruzohorky junction – Nad Portasovymi boudami junction – Portasovy chalets. cable car junction – the Pecka Play Landscape – follow the yellow-marked path – Janovy Boudy junction – turn onto the blue-marked path – Velka Upa – Ruzohorky junction – Ruzova Mountain – take the cable car – Nad Ruzovohorskym sedlem junction – Snezka, and back

Take the cable car to Snezka and walk back via Lucni chalet to Pec pod Snezkou

The longest route but one which avoids steep gradients and you can take it with a sports pram.

Pec pod Snezkou – take the cable car to the top of Snezka – take the red-marked tourist path – Jubilee Path junction – take the blue-marked Jubilee Path – Obri plan junction – turn right onto the red-marked path – Rownia pod Sniezka – turn left onto the yellow-marked path – Lucni chalet – take the red-marked path – Monument to the Victims of the Mountains – Vyrovka chalet – turn left onto the green-marked path – Richterovy chalets – turn right onto the red-marked path – after 600 m turn left onto the K1A cycle trail – turn left for the red-marked ‘Around Pec’ circuit – Zeleny Dul junction – Pec pod Snezkou, Vesely Vylet centre – continue left along the red-marked path – Pec pod Snezkou, Corso – turn left – P3 Kaplicka car park, Pec pod Snezkou

  • Trip length: 13.3 km
  • Points of interest: Postovna Anezka building on Snezka summit – The Krkonose Tundra educational trail – Lisci waterfall
  • Refreshments: Lucni chalet – Vyrovka chalet – Horizont hotel in Pec pod Snezkou
  • Transport: Take regular buses; in summer you can also take the Krkonose Cyclobus Line 1
  • Parking: P3 Kaplicka car park
  • Tip: In the main season, tourist flows are directed. You can climb to the summit of Mount Snezka only on the red-marked path and descend only on the blue-marked path.
  • Map​​​​​​​

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