Lysecinska Track
This track begins at the Rychorsky Crucifix intersection, a part of the Main Krkonose Trail. It runs along the Polish border, offering long distance views, to Horni Alberice. It continues past Lysecinske chalets via the Cestnik junction to the church in Dolni Mala Upa, and ends at the car park in Horni Mala Upa. The track is of medium difficulty.
Rychorsky Crucifix – Horni Alberice – Lysecinske chalets – Cestnik junction – church in Dolni Mala Upa – Horni Mala Upa
- Length: 13 km
- Refreshments: Krmelec u Kraví hory Restaurant, Dolní Malá Úpa – Chata Hradecanka Chalet – Pivovar Trautenberk Brewery, Horní Malá Úpa
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