Medvedin Chair Lift
The Skiareal resort in Spindleruv Mlyn operates a chair lift from Spindleruv Mlyn to Medvedin hill in summer, which is suitable for hikers as well as bikers. Medvedin is a popular starting point for several hiking trails. Mountain bikes can be transported.
Mountain scooters
You can try out a sturdy scooter with disc brakes and front suspension. The scooter trail is marked and runs along downhill tracks on Medvedin to the lower chair lift station. Mountain scooters can be ridden only by persons at least 140 cm tall. A crash helmet is included in the price. You can do the paperwork at the Shop&Rental facility at the lower Medvedin chair lift station, and pick up the scooter at the upper station, at an altitude of 1235 m a.s.l. The last hire is available one hour before the end of the chair lift operation.