Martinova bouda chalet – Dvorsky brook
Martinova chalet – follow the green-marked tourist trail for Labska bouda chalet – follow the blue-marked tourist trail for Labsky dul valley3 – continue along the Labsky dul valley along the blue-marked tourist trail to the Dvorsky brook2 – ascend past the log cabin to Patejdlova chalet1 (a narrow path, designed to ascend) – follow the green-marked tourist trail to Martinova chalet.
Length: 10,7 km
Explanations of Symbols
- Hard-to-orientate terrain
- Avalanche risk terrain
- Hard-to-orientate and avalanche risk terrain
- Other warnings; steep gradient
Under certain climatic conditions, life threatening circumstances and/or hard-to-orientate parts may occur on this route. Entry solely at your own risk! Contact the Mountain Rescue Service for the latest information.
GPX soubor
Link to mapy.cz