Farmapark Muchomurka

To Find Treasure and Animals

Janské Lázně

Take an adventurous tour of Janske Lazne and Svoboda nad Upou. Look for the treasure of Jan the Armiger who discovered the warm healing spring which made Janske Lazne a renowned spa. Learn how Krakonos eats and sleeps. Enjoy the animals at the farm.

K+K Ski School Janske Lazne – the Ostrov dobre nalady shop – Janske Lazne, main square – turn right onto the green-marked tourist path (2 km longer if you join in the game, otherwise continue straight down Cycle Trail 22) – the Mayor’s Spring – Janske Lazne, main square – turn right – the Bosorka creative workshop – after 600 m turn left onto the red-marked path – after 1 km turn left for the Via Piette educational trail – the Muchomurka summerhouse – the Muchomurka Farmapark – continue on the green-marked path – Krakonosova Muchomurka junction – continue on the green-marked path – Janske Lazne, main square – turn right for K+K Ski School Janske Lazne.

  • Trip length: 8.8 km
  • Points of interest: Jan the Armiger’s Treasure adventure – Spa colonnade in Janske Lazne – Relax Minigolf course – the Bosorka creative workshop – Muchomurka summerhouse – Muchomurka Farmapark – Krakonosova Muchomurka
  • Refreshments: SkiResort OMNIA hotel, Janske Lazne – the Tree Crowns Trail, Janske Lazne
  • Transport: Take regular buses; in summer you can also take the Krkonose Cyclobus Line 1
  • Parking: Central car park in Janske Lazne
  • Tip: Pop in to the K+K Ski School, buy an empty pouch and join in Jan the Armiger’s Treasure adventure game.
Together with us, you will get to know the local forests from the roots to the tree tops. You will become a part of forest life and meet a number of animals and plants that you will not find anywhere else.

Farmapark Muchomůrka

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Farmapark Muchomůrka

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